
You can find some of the books I've read and recommend here. I've tried to limit myself to a few lesser known works that have made a great impression on me. This is not a comprehensive list of everything I've read.

The Populist Delusion, Neema Parvini (2022)

An introduction to Elite theory. Covers thinkers like Mosca, Pareto, Schmitt, Burnham, and others; and concepts like the managerial revolution, political theology, circulation of elites, etc. This book takes apart many of the myths of contemporary political discourse and proposes a realistic alternative.

Antifragile, Nassim Taleb (2012)

The main book of Taleb's Incerto series. An ex options trader, Taleb debunks many of the myths of "rational" decision making and explains the antifragile-robust-fragile triad as an alternative philosophy for decision making and life in general.

Race and The Third Reich, Cristopher Hutton (2005)

A closer look by a professional historian into the scientific and racial policies of National-Socialist Germany.

Industrial Society and its Future, Ted Kaczinsky (1995)

A classic of anti-technological thought.

The Ancient Family, Fustel de Coulanges (1864)

A study of the ancient customs and religion of the Greco-Roman world and how they shaped the state and the laws in ancient Greece and Rome.

The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius (523)

An introduction to classical philosophy through a Christian perspective. Boethius explains man's last end, fortune as a means for God to govern creation, the problem of evil, the problem of free will and more, using ideas from Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, St. Augustine and other philosohpers from antiquity.